In Issue #3...

The battle's joined between two old rivals, GODZILLA and KING KONG on the latest Model Maniacs cover.
Inside you'll find tons of great how-to's, modeling tips, and the latest kit releases from all over the world! 64 thrilling pages!!

Articles this issue......

  • Looky Loo's by the Staff
  • Scratchbuilding the War Hawk by Joe Brown
  • ShapeShifter's Christopher Lee by Mark Atherton
  • Painting the Jim Henson Bust by Buc Wheat
  • Masque of the Red Death by Thad Rhodes
  • The Practical Modeler by Alina Chu
  • Mean as a Snake! by David Malin
  • Godzilla vs King Kong by Michael G. Roberts
  • They're Dead, They're All Messed Up! by Thad Rhodes
  • The Scarlet Prince by Don Ference
  • Anime Corner by Jim O'Neil
  • Got Gas? by Matt Clemons
  • Standoff On The Planet of the Apes by Sean Farrell
  • Polar Lights vs Aurora! by George Ganzer
  • I am Kwai Chang 'Grasshopper' Caine by Matt Clemons
  • Best of the Web by Louis Toledo
  • April's Chiller Theatre Expo Review by Buc Wheat
  • Winners of the April Chiller Model Contest by Mr. Warmth
  • Who Reads Model Maniacs Gallery!