In issue #2...

The slimy denizen of the Black Lagoon looms large on the latest Model Maniacs cover. Inside you'll find tons of great how-to's, modeling tips, and the latest kit releases from all over the world! 64 thrilling pages with even MORE color than previous issues!!

Articles this issue......

  • Looky Loo's Model kit reviews by the staff

  • Shadow Enhanced by Sean Farrel

  • Alex: A Clockwork Resin by Ed White

  • Nosferatu by Steve Riojas

  • Getting Started with Styrene by Dave Malin

  • The Practical Modeler by Alina Chu

  • Aquaman by Buc Wheat

  • Zacherley the Cool Ghoul by Matt Clemmons

  • Creature Bust by Ed Bowkley

  • Godzilla by Steve Iverson

  • Anime Corner by Jim O'Neil

  • Slayer by Thad Rhodes

  • Im Ho tep by Steve Riojas

  • The Matrix: Trinity by Tony Spangler

  • I am Gladiator by Matt Clemmons

  • CHILLER Oct 2000 by Buc Wheat

  • Best of the Web by Louis Toledo

  • Model Contest Winners from Oct 2000 CHILLER