We, the contest Staff, would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who entered this year! We topped out at 67 kits, which not only made us estatic, but we were happy to see that a lot of folks took advantage of the Friday night check-in, preventing us from sitting on our arse all night with nothing to do but to look at each other's ugly mug for hours on end!!
The only complaint we had was that we only received ONE Youth entry!! We need you folks to get the youngun's to sit down and get a kit done so we can have them better represented!
I apoligize for some of the photo's coming out slightly fuzzy. I need to learn to take multiple shots of each kit to
ensure I get at least one good one. I know alot of other folks took truck loads of the photo's, so when I see a nicer shot, I'll ask if I can snag it to put
up here! Again, my apologies.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank......our sponsors... Alternative Images, Moebius Models & Diceman Creations, for providing the kits to present to the 1st place winners and the kids!
...our judges, who are kind enough to leave their tables for a couple of hours and give us their critical eye, and some side splitting entertainment for those of us watching from the sidelines! Terry Webb of AFM fame, Dave Skelley of Alternative Images, Ed Bowkley of Diceman Creations, and Roger Kastel! ...and last but never least, Kevin, without whom we wouldn't be here in the first place! Thanks to everyone for participating! See you next October! - Buc, Jason, Scott, Dave & Bernie